Cloud Technologies


Cloud Services
(AWS & Azure)

Accelerate your development whether it be cloud-enabled or cloud-native. We leverage AWS and Azure cloud services to provide flexible and scalable digital solutions.


Definitions: Cloud Enabled: cloud-enabled application is an application that was moved to cloud, but it was originally developed for deployment in a traditional data center. Cloud Native: cloud-native application is an application that was developed with the cloud principles of multi-tenancy, elasticity (scaling) and easy integration in its design. Cloud Agnostic: cloud agnostic means moving the application/solution from one cloud to another without much impact to the IT systems and business processes. We at Retunes IT Media with our team of highly skilled, creative people will help you develop the best quality products with a specialized cloud solution which will meet all your demands, it is sustainable and cost effective while maintaining the elasticity and high availability. We also provide hybrid cloud solutions to meet the business goals in the most effective way. We also cater the needs for cloud based IoT and analytical services. Our team strives to keep up with the cutting-edge of cloud technologies to provide our clients with the best and well architected solution to meet your business goals. Collaborating with our team for your cloud engineering needs will mold into a proven architectural, scalable, secure and time-tested solution. We help you focus on your business needs and goals by unloading your digital and physical needs.
